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Insurance for Tobacco Farms

Southern Ontario and especially the Tobacco Belt of Norfolk and Elgin County is known traditionally and still now for producing tobacco. Tobacco farming has seen significant change over the last 10 years in Ontario. For a lot of tobacco farmers it may not be their primary crop anymore, but is still a very important part of their farm operations. Tobacco is a specialty crop that requires specialty insurance, not all insurance companies are able to provide this coverage.

Growing up in Oxford county and working on a tobacco farm as a kid, I understand your business and have the products to provide the appropriate coverages. You can feel comfortable knowing your tobacco crop is covered.

MR Insured makes getting insurance on your tobacco farm as easy as possible.

Contact me and let me show you what I can bring to the table!

Things for tobacco farmers to consider:

- What value is your harvested tobacco?

- Do you need wind, hail, frost coverage?

- How long do you keep harvested tobacco?

- Do you have cooler facilities on premises?

- Do you have other farm related revenue?



Don't forget coverage for your farm trucks! We can help with that too.

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